Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Yep this is me... This was taken a few years ago.. I still look the same just with a few extra pounds that decided to tag along with me everyday now... :)

Now about my day...

Well it started at 5:30 am this morning... normal routine... Up shower, makeup, hair, and getting dress for work... Give the Hubby a kiss good by and the dogs their morning treat and off the work I go....

I decided to start a blog and here it is... Not a good writer, but I'm going to try this out... I stole the 30 Day Challenge from my friend LaLo... So here I go...

On to my morning ...

Well get in and got all my reports out and just got a visit from an old friend who brought me and my co-worker a Cheesecake.. Like I really needed that... LOL!
 Thanks Chris!!!

So I will finish this up tomorrow and let you know how the rest of my day went....

Until then Later............ 

Okay I'm back... :)

So for the rest of my day... after lunch I did a little more work, then I went to get ready to go down the Houston Live Stock Show & Rodeo to work my shift... after getting to Reliant we got all the suites stocked and ready for the show... I got to sit and watch Rascal Flatts put a a good show...
 Then time to close up the club and head home... Wooo by that time I was ready to get home and go to bed... it's hard to stay up when your used to going to bed at 9:30 to 10:00 each night during the week... 
So there you go as you see my day really wasn't all that interesting... Hope yours was much better.... Until next time... I'm out of here... :)
So now I'm just working away waiting for the time to pass.... Not taking a lunch today because I have to work Rodeo tonight so I will just work through my lunch.... mmmm that cheesecake was good....


Lovely Lalo-Cha said…
Sounds like a fun day to me! Family, cheesecake and RF @ HLSR.

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